Content Guidelines & Policies
On this page you will find all information about our Content Guidelines & Policies. We value the quality and integrity of the content we produce and share on our platforms. Read more about our guidelines and policies regarding the use of platforms such as OnlyFans, social media and AI image creation to support our models and online brands below.
This policy also applies to sexual behavior. Posting or sharing any content that degrades women, children, men, or any life form is strictly prohibited. Our staff, as described on the page regarding the use of OnlyFans (OF), are allowed to enjoy the platform's protective policies; however, models may have an OF page only for professional presence, with no explicit or 18+ pornographic content allowed.
The portfolio we are creating for models, up until the age of 21, is designed to serve as a strong résumé for building a successful future. This includes their online presence on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where their brand is represented. The online presentation will not contain harmful material, and any content shared will adhere strictly to platform rules, ensuring that harmful content cannot be posted.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Posting explicit or 18+ pornographic content of youtself or promotte for others, makes individuals vulnerable and offers no positive value to a model on OF. We conduct regular checks, and if any 18+ pornographic content is discovered involving a staff member, local team member, model, or any individual associated with us through a contract, that contract will be considered null and void immediately. Upon termination, counselors will be notified, as well as parents or guardians and the individual's team. The termination will be final, and we will have no further connection with them.
This clause is explicitly stated in the contract, and individuals will be reminded of it periodically. Making money through explicit or 18+ pornographic content is fundamentally against our core beliefs. Since we work with individuals aged 13 to 21, we absolutely refuse to be connected to such activities.
To be clear: any related material—video, audio, or otherwise—connecting you to us wilt be permanently deleted. This policy is non-negotiable and allready exist as claus in the basis of our agreements and contract, legal action to fight it is uselles.
Goodbye and good luck to those who violate it. Let this be crystal clear? To us you no longer EXIST
Responsibility for creators
Regarding Erotic AI Creations:
Erotic AI creations, such as those generated by programs like MidJourney, Leonardo, or others, are subject to specific guidelines. Our platforms ensure that only non-pornographic, child-friendly content is created, including nude artistic creations that adhere to strict rules and the platforms' safety protocols. We trust AI tools to comply with the platforms’ rules, ensuring they are monitored and safe for all ages, maintaining a professional and respectful standard in all AI-generated content.
For more information on ethical principles and AI NFSE, please refer to the following link:
Ethical Principles and Non-Existing Legal Rules for AI
Do you have any questions or comments?
Please feel free to contact us for more information about our Content Guidelines & Policies. We are here to answer your questions and assist you further. BeschermT21, your counselor, will be happy to explain the importance of these policies and how they affect T21 or DreamW Models, their personal brand, and the future vulnerabilities they may create for themselves by ignoring the core rules on this subject.
This includes understanding how these policies can impact the models' relationship with their parents and guardians. Are you a parent with questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out—we can inform you about platforms like OnlyFans, its policies, strict rules, and the solid protection it offers. Call or WhatsApp us. Don’t sit at home days loaded with concerns; as counselors, we are here to connect with you, and we care. Make sure to include the counselor’s name in your message—big thanks, as it saves us a lot of time!
Team BeschermdT21